Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Anniversary Bar by Penny Arrowood

"What's The Anniversary Bar?", you ask.

No, it's not the hottest new club in town, and it's not a new chocolate concoction. What it IS is a fabulous limited edition soap created by our own Penny Arrowood to honor the First Anniversary of Artist Alley.

Penny surprised yesterday with this delightful creation, and I was tickled pink...and blue...and yellow! She didn't even know about my love for polka-dots when she designed it.

I'll let the soap and her touching explanation speak for themselves in the photos that follow...

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hey there! Happy Anniversary! :) I skipped on over from etsy (cbarjcrafts) after reading your profile and just wanted to say: "Keep living your dream!" I think what you're doing is awesome. :)